The Process

When I recently bought a new blade for my table saw, the thought occurred to me, “Man I’m paying an awful lot of money for a few cents worth of metal.” Of course this is ridiculous, because it’s not about the raw materials, it’s about what it took to turn them into the finished product.

Somewhere there’s a giant factory devoted to turning this “few cents worth of metal” into hardened steel, shaping it into a perfectly-balanced circle, engraving grooves into it to reduce vibration, cutting each tooth into a specific pattern suitable for certain kinds of cutting, and then sharpening it into something that will do the job without ruining the wood you’re working with. Well now, when you put it that way, the price seems more justified.

These days, music often seems to be thought of as that “few cents worth of metal” rather than the finished product it is. Perhaps this is because everybody has the tools in their computer to create music. But it takes a lot more than these raw materials to create a piece of music that will work well with a video production. Even after the composer is done creating the piece, there is usually some refinement that goes on to make the track even more usable for our clients’ needs. This refinement is the result of years of experience and client feedback as to what works and what doesn’t. This is but one of many things that set Omni apart, and why our music is always acclaimed for its quality.

Perhaps the perception of music’s lack of value is the result of many companies not putting this kind quality control into their product. Sure it’s a lot more work for us, but we believe the results speak for themselves, and that our clients (and our clients’ clients) do notice the difference.

So the next time you’re trying to decide on music for your project, ask yourself if you’d rather have a “few cents worth of metal” or the finished blade.

 -Dave Hab


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