If you're like me, you like deadlines because it helps you
get things done. "Work expands to fill the time available," was a
quote that always rang true with me.

Occasionally I'd get right up to the last minute, writing
out parts and getting tracks ready to record as the musicians were walking in
the door and getting settled. It was a little crazy, I admit.
More than once I realized I really didn't have enough
material for the session, so at the last minute I would write out a quick chart
to record, sometimes with only a "click" in the headphones. As luck would have it, some of those tracks turned out to be really good, while the ones I
spent a lot of time on didn't always work as well as expected.
Here's one of my favorites, recorded a few years ago. I wrote and recorded the basic keyboard track and a click track about ten minutes before the string players arrived. As they were tuning up I sketched out a quick chart with trills and some simple melody lines, and we recorded it at the end of the session. A few days later, bassist Mike Hall came in and played his amazing bass part and I added the finger snaps in the control room. It's probably one of my best tunes.
Like I said, lucky :-)
Like I said, lucky :-)
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